Signal Innova's GameWorks Module is a versatile controller used to control a wide variety of interactive exhibits. Following are some examples chosen to illustrate that versatility.
Make the Numbers Count
Change the numbers to add up vertically, horzontally, and diagonally to the same number.
Who's die Eil, Say What?
Match Pennsylvania German words to photos
Pedal Power!
Bicycle generator and LED bargraph show power requirements of household appliances
In a Galaxy Far, Far, Away
Visitors learn to identify various types of galaxies
A Tsedaka Machine?
Combining mechanical and electronic devices
to form a animated donation "machine".
Get a Move on it!
3 Interactive Transportation Games at
the La Habra Children's Museum
Trucks or Mules?
You decide what's best to go get Pancho Villa
Your Vote Counts!
Visitors vote for their choice of the source of the Mississippi. Results shown on a LED display.
Your Weight In Milk
Interactive Scale Displays Weight in Jugs of Milk
It's Your Money!
Visitors choose how to apply their donations.