
FlashAudio Digital Audio Repeaters for Museum Exhibits

Digital Audio for Museum Exhibits

Signal-Innova's FlashAudio digital audio repeaters are high quality stereo audio players intended for use in museum exhibits or tradeshow displays.

FlashAudio players can play up to 8 sound segments in Direct Input mode and up to 128 segments in Controller Mode.

Models to Suit Exhibit Requirements

Several models are available starting with FlashAudio Si which has a Single pushbutton input up to 8 inputs with FlashAudio 8i.

The prerecorded audio segments and/or sound effects are stored in a nonvolatile SD Flash Memory Card and played at the touch of a button.

Each segment can be a different length and is not restricted other than to the total capacity of the Memory Card used.

Audio in a Flash!

The use of SD Flash Memory Cards allows easy change or update of audio segments. Using an inexpensive SD Flash Card writer and a desktop or laptop computer audio segments can be changed. Hours of CD quality audio can be reproduced using a high capacity memory card.

Pushbutton Audio

In Direct Input Mode each sound segment is played by momentarily input to one of the up to 8 triggers from a pushbutton or other devices.

Interactive Exhibit Audio

Using Signal-Innova's Sights & Sounds Controller, additional sound segments can be played interactively. The combination of a Sights & Sounds Controller and a FlashAudio module allows for additional pushbutton for interactive games and/or synchronized outputs of backlights, spot lights or other special effects.

Complete Exhibit Sound Module

FlashAudio is equipped with an onboard audio amplifier capable of driving 8 Ohm speakers directly. The volume is controlled by an onboard volume control. The audio amplifier can be bypassed to provided line-level output for use with external amplification equipment.

Power supply from 12 to 24 Vdc is acceptable thanks to an onboard voltage regulator.

Approximate Dimensions (4i & 8i):
Width: (not including SD Card) 5.375"
Depth: (including green terminal) 4.5"
Height: 1.375"
Audio File:16 bit, 44.1 Khz 256 Kbps

No Assembly Required!

Signal-Innova puts it together in a ready-to-install system. Based on client's exhibit specifications, Signal-Innova assembles a complete system with appropriate pushbuttons or other trigger devices, speakers or handsets, all wired and tested.

Audio Stations, complete with graphics and mounting are also availible with FlashAudio.

Applications: Museum Exhibit Audio • Diorama Narration • Ambient Environment Audio
Q & A Game • Sequenced Audio • Interactive Audio Exhibit • Tradeshow Displays

Click Here to See Examples of FlashAudio Used in Various Exhibits

Click Here to Download Information on these Modules (PDFs)

FlashAudio Interactive Configuration Tool

SIGNAL-INNOVA • 2841 East 19th Street •
Info Request ? www.exhibitsalive.com